Aware Mind and Body


M.D. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1987

Psychiatry Residency, Northwestern University Evanston Hospital, 1992


For over 25 years, I have devoted myself to the compassionate care and treatment of a broad range of psychiatric disorders, including mood disorders (anxiety, depression, etc.), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), relationship counseling and cognitive decline.


I combine the best of traditional holistic psychiatry with the latest in cutting-edge modalities, including, as appropriate:

  • psychotherapy (“talk therapy”),

  • medication,

  • nutritional evaluation and support,

  • biofeedback,

  • meditation,

  • resilience training,

  • educational tools and devices,

  • genetic testing,


Through treatment, my patients are educated and equipped with tools to navigate the particular challenges of their lives.

 My goal is to create a customized treatment plan for your particular situation, using an ever-evolving range of techniques and therapies. I am constantly searching for new and better ways of helping my patients to regain full functionality and well-being.